Hitting Play on Video Marketing

June 8, 2022

We’ve heard a lot about video lately at industry conferences and in webinars/podcasts as a way to disseminate information to large audiences effectively.  Videos are at the top of our web searches and social media and quickly grab our attention as we scroll through social media, so let’s talk about Video Marketing.

What is video marketing?   

“Video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumers and customers, and reach your audience with a new medium.” 


Video clearly captures audiences and assists in their buying decisions, and even though we spend such an extensive amount of time online, we learned our attention spans are decreasing. Many sources estimate this attention span to be about 8 seconds and the time you need to grab their attention at just 3 seconds. You just have to pull them in fast and keep them hooked.

You may think you can’t afford the time or budget to institute a video marketing strategy, but you can’t afford not to! An industry study recently reported that 79% of marketers who aren’t using video plan to build a video strategy in 2022, and 99% of those who already use video value it as an important part of their strategy and are planning to continue to use it. (Hubspot). Statistics related to our behavior when it comes to video speak for themselves.

  • We watch an average of 19 hours of online video per week (an 8.5 hour increase over the last three years)  
  • We watch over a billion hours of YouTube every day, and 400 hours of videos are uploaded there every minute. 
  • 94% of users prefer to watch a video to learn about a product or service, and 92% of mobile video viewers like to share them with their online communities.
  • We more often choose video over text when offered both options (80% to 20%) and are twice as likely to share a video over other types of content. 
  • The average person spends 88% more time on a page with video, and companies have found that videos almost double the likelihood that consumers will purchase their product! (85% likely to purchase) 
  • We are 17% more likely to buy a product due to watching a video ad versus a static ad, and user enjoyment of a video increases purchase intent by 97 percent.

(Avantio ,Guesty, Hostaway, igms)

So, when posed with the question, “How else can we use our beautiful photos to drive more traffic to our website?” The answer is most definitely, “Create a Property Video!

Check out TruPlace’s suite of property videos here!

Tune in next week for Part 2 – Video Creation: What are your options?