Choosing the Right Real Estate Virtual Tour
February 11, 2021
Studies have shown that the best marketing tactic for your listing is to incorporate a virtual tour. With the right real estate virtual tour, the road to successful sales is that much smoother. Often, we are asked how to choose the right real estate virtual tour for your listing. Here are some tips to know what is best for connecting with potential buyers.

• Does your listing have features that deserve a specific highlight that helps it stand out? A spectacular view from the deck? High vaulted ceilings? Whatever the highlight, the Interactive Floor Plan Tour + 360 Views is the right real estate virtual tour for you. This virtual tour provides the layout so you can see the whole property, but emphasis the best areas with the immersive component of a 3D Tour. Interactive Floor Plan Tours + 360 Views is the best combination of 3D, photos, and floor plans in one seamless product.
Using cutting-edge technology and HDR high-quality images, this unique product is sure to make a listing stand out. Many are familiar with our traditional, easy-to-use, Interactive Floor Plan Tours that embed photos to be displayed when hovering over labels and dots on the floor plan. The Interactive Floor Plan Tour + 360 Views takes it a step further in providing an immersive view. These tours include blue rotation icons embedded into the floor plan that when hovered over display a full 360 View of that room. The flexibility of this virtual tour is also an excellent choice for properties that might have a wide range in buyer demographics.

• The most immersive real estate virtual tour is the TruFusion 3D Tour. This option provides the feeling “like you’re there” and is the best property viewing experience of any 3D virtual tour. The TruFusion 3D Tour allows the potential buyer to explore the entire listing using Photo Slider Navigation, moving from room to room and floor to floor. This virtual tour provides a 3D view of each level of the home. While this tour does not come with a floor plan or photos of the property, it does include enhanced interior colors and clear views out the windows all with HDR quality. The TruFusion 3D Tour works well on iPhone, iPad, or touch screen/touchpads.

• TruPlace’s Interactive Floor Plan Tours display cleanly and easily on a shared screen. They allow the presenter to hover over embedded photos within each room, so they are perfect for Virtual Open Houses. The Interactive Floor Plan Tour is the right real estate virtual tour option to provide a potential buyer or client an easy way to navigate the listing. Unlike many 3D Virtual Tours which can be challenging to navigate, Interactive Floor Plan Tours are known for their ease of use and organization. The great thing about purchasing an Interactive Floor Plan Tour from TruPlace is that it comes with all the photos to showcase the property. There is no need to pay for or schedule a separate appointment. This interactive, user-driven experience of a property shows the layout of the floor plan and allows viewers to navigate at their own pace through each room.
Each virtual tour is hosted on a branded and non-branded Single Property Website URL for MLS compliance. This website also has tabs offering more information about the property, including a map location, personalized lead capture form, and complimentary amenity photos of the surrounding community or subdivision.
Choosing the right tour can make a difference in many factors of the sale. TruPlace is available to help you find the right real estate virtual tour for your listings. We understand the client experience and are adept at matching that with the listing goals. Which virtual tour is right for you?